Monday 26 September 2016

All the books?!

Hello there everyone! 
Wondering what the blog is all about, right?
Well we will get to that, first a little something about me. 

I love to read books. A lot. In fact when I was younger I remember reading Harry Potter when had a exam the next day! And  I passed with flying colours in all my exams so no worries there.
I know I am not the only one to read books like a crazy person and this is a fact. As the times are changing so are our lifestyles and I miss having a novel in my hand , an actual book to put my nose into so it stays out of other people's business and also a great way for people to not talk to me! Since my college has started it gets tough for me to carry a novel around with me all the times, but since I love reading, I carry PDF's.

Out there, there are hundred's and thousands of people like me and so we go and download the pdf's.
But its so hard to find a good site from where I can download the eBooks without having to deal with a thousand adverts and what not. 
Or else I have to sign up or register or download apps to "Read 1000's of books for free" and all that crap. BUT do they not understand there is no time for all this registering and all. *sigh*
So I had a thought, why not start a blog and see if all the pdf's could be uploaded that are with me so you don't have to worry about finding your eBook. And that has been accomplished.

I hope you can find the book that you want or the whole series in my blog. If you want a particular eBook or the whole series, let me know. I will do my best to find them.


P.S : I am open to suggestions to read new books.
P.P.S: I love cats too.